Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Chewy Gooey Yummy Brownies

Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera semua. Lama dah teringin nak buat Chewy Gooey Yummy Brownies ni, tapi asyik tertangguh je. Kebetulan Seri teringin sangat nak makan brownies, so dia pun suruh mamaNya buatkan resepi yg bunyinya ada chewy gooey...dia kata sedap sangat agaknya rasa brownies ni. Maklumlah kita ni kdng2 mood ok, kdng2 mood malas tu dtng bila2 masa je. Kena pulak ada permintaan, kdng2 tu teruja terus nak buat, kdng2 makin malaslah pulak..adoyaiiii.

Malam tadi saya pun buatlah brownies yg diidamkan Seri ni. Tak sangkalah mmng sedap sangat seindah namanya yg chewy gooey gitewwww. Ini pun dah tinggal sikit je. Lenkali bolehlah buat guna resepi ni lagi. Rasanya ramai kawan2 yg dah mencubanya, pada kawan2 yg belum tu, bolehlah mencubanya..mmng berbaloi....Resepi ni saya kopipes dari Wani, boleh juga lihat yg setengah adunan di blog AlongRoz dan Dr Inahar. Rata2 mengatakan sedap, jom semak resepinya..


- to be melted
  • 250 grams butter - cut into cubes
  • 400 grams chocolate - cut into cubes or grate them
  • 5 large (i used A sized) eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate emulco
  • 290 grams brown sugar
(C) - to be sifted together
  • 90 grams all-purpose flour (i used Hong Kong Flour)
  • 50 grams cocoa powder
  • 100 grams nuts (it's optional. toast them first and mix them with flour and cocoa powder)
  1. Preheat the oven to 160C. prepare a 9x12 inch baking tin with parchment or paper. set aside.
  2. Double boil the butter and cooking chocolate. or u may also place them in microwave for 30 seconds. after that, take it out from microwave and stir until they are completely melted. set aside, let it cool
  3. In another bowl, beat the eggs, vanilla essence, chocolate emulco and brown sugar using whisk. whisk them together until sugar is ressolved.
  4. Combine the (A) ingredients and (B). stir them well. quickly proceed to step no. 5 as this mixture easily get harden that will cause you a little bit difficult to fold in the flour.
  5. Gradually add the (C) ingredients into the (A) and (B) mixture. this time, use your wooden or plastic spatula to fold in the flour. avoid overmixing the ingredients in this step.
  6. Spoon over the batter into the baking tin, spread them well.
  7. Bake at 160C for 45 minutes or until skewer inserted comes out clean.
  8. Take it out from the oven, let it cool for 10 minutes. quickly cut the brownie into pieces. notice that this type of brownie can get harden easily. once it is cooled, it'll be difficult for you to cut them.


  1. Waaahhh mcm melekat2 jek ke tekak masa telan brownies ni kan Yatie kan....cheeewwwyyyyyy gitu ^__^. Kalau dekat, harus akak rembat 5 ketuiii..hehe

  2. nampak sedap je.. nanti boleh la cuba..
    tambah2 kalau coklat sebagai bahan utama :)

  3. Adik KC pun pandai buat brownies tau. Dia belajar dgn mendiang mak mertua dia. resepi Omputeh. sedap gak.

  4. Salam Yatie..
    lama tak jln2 kat dapur kwn2..
    Yatie sihat?
    blm pernah buat lagi brownies begini..mesti dap kan..

  5. assalam Kak Yatie
    amboi panjang namanya, ada yummy mestilah yummy kan, nampak pun betul2 yummy emmm sedapnya

  6. huwaaaaa..dapnyer yatie!! nak gaaaakkk!!

  7. salam yatie, alahai brownies ni anak akak suka sangat ni mesti sedapppppp bahan pun simple je boleh lah try nnt

  8. Wah...nak kongsilah banyaknya resepi

  9. Kalau hidang depan mata, sure sekejap je dah selesai.. :) Nak sepotong kak.. :)

  10. Wahhhh sedapnya brownies tu kak! Rasa mcm nak grab je :)

  11. wahhhaa kak, sedap2 tgk koleksi kek/ brownies akak mantain slim..kalau saya buat seloyang mahunya 3/4 loyang saya sendiri yg kemaruk nak makan, gamaknye dunlop badan saya kak..

  12. assalam pn yati, sy kagum ng masakan PF KTR =)
