Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Moist Pandan Marble Cake

Assalamualaikum dan bertemu kembali. Lamanya tak bersiaran, harap pengunjung setia blog Sinar Kehidupanku tak bosan ya dngn menu ikan pari je. Maklumlah cuti panjang, semuanya berkumpul kat rumah, jadi kami sekeluarga luangkan masa bersama dngn JJCM....jadi tiadalah menu terbaru sbb mood memasak masih lemau lagi. Kek ni pun kek minggu lepas yg saya buat sebelum pergi bercuti tempohari. Kek ni sedap dan moist je, gabungan pandan dan coklat mmng membangkitkan aroma dan rasanya. Kalau kawan2 nak rasa tu, bolehlah cuba..mmng best. Resepi asal di SINI. Jom kita semak bahan2 yg di perlukan.

  • 250 grams butter
  • 250 grams caster sugar
  • 250 grams flour
  • 8 eggs
  • 1 tbsp ovalette
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 1 tbsp chocolate emulco
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 4 tbsp condensed milk
  1. Preheat oven to 170°C. Grease a 7-8 inch round/square pan.
  2. Melt butter (I usually melt it in a microwave, but you can melt it over the stove too) and leave aside to cool.
  3. Sift flour into a mixer bowl. Add sugar, eggs and ovalette into the bowl and using a whisk attachment, beat at low speed to firstly combine ingredients, then medium speed to add volume. Mix until ingredients are thoroughly mixed in, about 3 minutes.
  4. Beat in vanilla essence. Gradually pour in melted butter while beating the batter at low speed. Continue beating until all the butter has been incorporated.
  5. Separate half the mixture into another bowl. This will be your plain mixture.
  6. In the original mixing bowl, add cocoa powder and chocolate emulco to the batter and beat till well incorporated. This will be your chocolate mixture.
  7. To assemble, spoon 3 tablespoons of the plain mixture in the middle of your baking tin. Then place 3 tablespoons of the chocolate mixture. As you continue spooning in the batter into the middle, the batter will start spreading out into the tin. Continue alternating, as this will form the marbled effect.
  8. Bake in the centre rack of the oven for 40 minutes, until a skewer poked into the centre of the cake comes out clean.
  9. After removing from the oven, allow the cake to cool in the tin for about 10 minutes. Then, turn the cake out to cool on a wire rack.


  1. as-salam kak Yatie
    cantiknye kek marble kak Yatie...suka tengok belang2nye tu..cantik..

  2. Assalam Yatie cayangggg...amboii tayang kek ijo coklat belang2 gituuuu...nampam sungguh moiisttt..akak td konon keluarkan butter nak wat kek..tetiba mcm malas lak..simpan semula butter...hahaha, esok2 la kot... sementara tu, nak makan yg Yatie hidang nih..boleh kee..

  3. aslmkum yatie .. mcm buat sponge cake eh.. kene cuba juga ni.. tdi cam terjumpa jugak rspi ala2 camni.. tpi tak ingat pulak.. suke warna ijaw coklat tu..

  4. Assalamualaikum Yatie.. sedap nya kek tu teringin Ani nak makan.. warna hijau kegemaran Hamka tetap ada kan.. :)

  5. Waahhh..sedapnyerrrr...Haa..dah makan tu jom kita pecahkan lemak pulak..jom amik lecitin..:-)

  6. sedapnya kak..nampak menarik, mesti cuba nie

  7. Salam, kak yatie , naik seri betul hijuau dan coklat kek akak tu..nanti boleh cuba :)

  8. salam kak yatie...mmg tergoda sggh tgk kek marble tu, cantikkk...

  9. Salam rindu kak yatie!!! kita ni baru jer abis bakar kek marble hihihi.... akak sihat? lama kan kak kita tak jalan2 sini sejak cuti2 makan angin nk kurus ler niii haish! kek2 gini mmg kita suke, kalau cekelat2 tu suke jugak tp kurang suke cuma suke buat jerr :D

  10. Suka gabungan kaler hijau dan coklat...memang nampak moist...sedapnya....:)

  11. Dari jauh nampak cantik gabungan 2 warna ni. Budak2 mesti suka sebab ada rasa coklat.

  12. salam kak..ijo lagi untuk hamka ye...suke anakanda sowang tu ngan kaler ijau.. :)nmpak sedap marble pandan ni kak... :)

  13. fuiyoooo..cantik menawan keknye..mesti rasanye pun meletopss kan..bak akak 3 potong??

  14. Tiene buenisima ese bizcocho

    un saludo


  15. salam ziarah di pagi Jumaat kak yatie...cantik kek marble tu..

  16. cantik warna kek akak ni..saya kalau buat kek belang2 cam gini...warna cam tak cantik...hehehe..

  17. memang menarik dan tertarik tengok kek marble yatie tu. nanti nak cubalah ...........

  18. mmg terbaek la kak yatie ni....ske2....

  19. cantik ke nih..tapi naper resipi xde letak pandan???pening sekejap..kek marble ke pandan marble nih..:(
